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Weddings, Birthdays, Graduations, Confirmations, Communions, Baptisms, retirements and anniversaries, whatever the reason to celebrate, do it with us!!

We can offer you a location surrounded by nature with ainternal room with 250 seats with wooden trusses and large windows overlooking the surrounding citrus grove, a gazebopoolside with 150 seats and a large lawn to set up buffets in the summer.

The banquets are tailor-made together with you, composing menus based onmeat and/or fishor giropizza with the various options to make your banquet unique. All rooms are illuminated with warm lights and equipped with piped music.


Are you thinking of getting married? Come and see our proposals for a classy wedding, with quality dishes and fair prices.

Wedding trial and first night for the newlyweds for FREE!!!


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